When you book a trip, we incur a handling fee for your booking before you even leave. When you cancel, our suppliers charge us a breach of contract fee, which we include in the cancellation fee in addition to administration fees.
Before cancelling your holiday, you will be able to see the exact amount of the cancellation fee in order to accept it or not. If you confirm that you wish to cancel your order, it will be effective immediately.
Our cancellation policy and fees are as follows. You can consult cancellation fees in our General Terms and Conditions of Sale (article 13).
* For a classic Tour Operator or a cruise : As per the Terms and Conditions of the applicable Tour Operator or Cruise company.
* For a leisure or dinning experience only booking : In the absence of a specific condition on the description of the rest, 100% of the total amount including tax.
In addition to these cancellation fees, the following processing fees apply :
- For bookings totalling less than £700: 35£
- For bookings totalling more than £700: 65£
| Note : If you have taken out travel insurance with Mutuaide or Xplorassur, it is imperative that your trip is cancelled before you start the refund process with your insurer.